Our music, all created for you!

Music like never before!

Welcome to our journey into the realm of AI music! In this exciting exploration, we combine music with the cutting-edge capabilities of artificial intelligence. Our goal is to fuse the captivating melodies, intricate rhythms, and emotive expressions of music with the innovative power of AI algorithms. Join us as we embark on a creative odyssey, where tradition meets technology to produce a new wave of mesmerizing compositions!

Creating AI music is not just about generating random sounds; it's about understanding the nuances of melody, harmony, rhythm, and emotion. By training AI models on diverse musical inputs, we teach them to compose music that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

The Story of VIRO:

Enter the dynamic world of VIRO, an innovative artist pushing the boundaries of music creation through the fusion of Hungarian musical traditions with cutting-edge AI technology. With a unique approach to composition, VIRO crafts captivating melodies and thought-provoking lyrics that resonate with audiences worldwide.

At the heart of VIRO's creative process lies a deep appreciation for Hungarian music, serving as the primary inspiration for their groundbreaking project. Drawing from the rich tapestry of Hungarian musical heritage, VIRO infuses traditional elements with modern flair, creating a sound that is both timeless and forward-thinking.

Our music:

Check out some of our releases!

VIRO - Álmodom

VIRO - Elengedni

EP ALBUM: Elengedni


The first EP Release with the following releases:

  1. VIRO - Elengedni
  2. VIRO - Álmodom
  3. VIRO - Hiányzol
  4. VIRO - Csak Szeretlek Én





Let us create music for you!

Do you want us to create music for you? or just want to check out our releases? Look no further! Contact us!

Our Spotify

VIRO / Robbie Visscher / AI Creator

The Netherlands